Whole30 Day1: BFD and a Recipe

10:42 PM

Day one....Big freakin' deal! That's what I was telling myself at least ;)

I didn't really expect today to be that bad for me as I was not mourning bread or milk as I rarely ate them before. I woke up and carried on as usual, but there was this small voice in the back of my head that wanted Cheerios. Seriously? I haven't had any of those in the house in months and even then it was for baby snacks. I passed up the possibility of black coffee because it's not a necessity for me on days I don't work as I get to sleep until the sun is up!

2 eggs scrambled seasoned w/ Zoe's Kitchen 'Spice of Life' (used coconut oil for cooking fat)
Kale sauteed in ghee seasoned w/salt & pepper
few chunks of fresh pineapple

I was going to have some chicken and apple sausages, but then I remembered that my Applegate Farms kind have honey. Add to the to do list: make sausage to freeze.

Mixed nuts and dried apple rings

Since I knew I didn't have work today, I did my meal prep for the week today. I cooked up the following in 2 hours:
  • Chocolate Chili from 'Well Fed' (for eating some now and freezing)
  • Paleo Chicken Salad (made w/paleo mayo that I already had on hand)
  • Chicken and Apple Sausage Patties that also cooled and went into freezer
  • Boiled eggs for snacks
  • Foil Pack Chicken was cooled and ready to be stored for freezing.
I pretended I was on 'Iron Chef' and it was kinda fun and not too messy. I had all my ingredients out and chopped for everything at once and divided as needed. I did the same for spices too. This saved me time and having to stop and check that I didn't leave anything out or let anything burn.

Paleo Chicken Salad 
Tomato salad w/balsamic vinegar/EVOO/S&P

I was kinda comfy in my sweatpants so I skipped today's WoD (gasp!). I did 387879832 burpee box jumps on Saturday at my mom's gym.  My body was begging for an off day.

I missed an afternoon snack when I went to pick up my daughter so I opted for an early dinner.

Chocolate Chili stuffed sweet potato
Steamed broccoli 

This week I know my meals might seem a bit off or random because my husband is traveling for work. I tend not to get too excited about meal time when he is gone bc I'm tired from my mom duties or just kinda blah. But today, I made it though and didn't grab that Ghiradelli dark chocolate square I normally reach for about 8:00 out of habit. Yay! Overall I felt pretty good and not too grouchy. But, the 'carb flu' might be on the way...

Chicken Foil Packet
(as adapted from 'Food Therapy')
4—4 oz chicken breast   
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 
1/2 tsp salt      
1 tsp black pepper  
1 Tbsp dried Basil    
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice 
1 Tbsp minced garlic
1 medium onions, red pepper, green pepper, diced 
4 small sweet potatoes, diced  

  • Pre-heat oven to 375°F.
  • In a small mixing bowl whisk together vinegar, salt, pepper, basil, lemon and garlic juice.
  • Lay out 4 - 12x12 inch squares of aluminum foil. Place 1 chicken breast in the center of each square, top with potatoes, onions, and peppers.
  • Spoon on 1/4 of the sauce on each and fold the foil around the ingredients to form four sealed packets.
  • Bake for 45 minutes, or until chicken is cooked.   
** Once cooked initially, serve immediately or allow to cool and refrigerate overnight. Can be eaten the following day from fridge, or packets can be transfered to gallon Ziplock bags (3 will fit in one bag) or in a quart freezer bag (One will fit. Perfect for to go lunches). LAY ON SIDE IN FREEZER or you will have a sad leaky mess in the bag and dry chicken later! Makes great Paleo To-Go meals or for nights when you have the 'Don't Wants' about cooking.

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