Whole30: Wrap Up and Final Thoughts

8:16 AM

I'm headed to New Orleans tomorrow for some fun with out of town friends and I have a big birthday at the end of the week so posting this a little early as I am unsure of what the final day will hold here in 'Whole30' land.  I can tell you that husband has a Meche's King Cake on standby per request of our California guests that will be arriving tomorrow. They don't have that kind of sugary goodness over on the Left Coast; God Bless Them.

I do however have some news to report it what I have noticed with my body thus far.

1) My skin is looking extra amazing! I know that I have a pretty specific skin care regimen that I already follow daily, but now I am extra clear and bright and have had more 'How do you get your skin  to look so great' comments than usual. I am going to say diet has probably balanced the hormones that often get the best of my face when I am not eating as clean. So, to you teenage girl with frowny face in mirror stressing about complexion, I say to you: eat cleaner.

2) PR'd a few times in the gym. I have a new back squat PR of 210. 15 pounds more than my previous record. I am also doing more pull ups totally unassisted in a workout and can now jump a 30 inch box. Two weeks ago I started incorporating the Wendler method into my training to increase strength. It's working :)

3) I am noticing more lean muscle when I look in the mirror in the morning. 'Belly bloat' has gone down a little more too but that is still a long haul. #damnpostbabystomach #neverhadabsbeforewhywouldinow. Definition, man, and I'm liking it.

4)My moods have been up and requiring less caffeine than before. Granted, I usually only had one cup of coffee on days I wake up with the chickens, but now I don't usually even need that. I also have an easier time falling asleep and sleep more soundly. Well, I think anyway. If I had a Fitbit I'd know for sure.

5)I feel emotionally more in control. This is not to say that I was a total whack-a-doodle before, but I daily feel I have more confidence and don't fly off the handle as quickly. Although husband might disagree....Chemically balanced via food if you will

And finally....

6) I am craving sweets far less. I will admit I have had a few cheats during the 30 days. I have 'Paleo Hacked' some old junk food but have mastered the art of a grain free brownie that I think is delicious. I ate some cake at my daughter's birthday and I was sad because it wasn't as delicious as I thought that sugary pink confection might taste. I am learning that 'treats' are just that. I do not deserve a 'treat' simply because I made it through another day. I should do that because it's my job as a human.

Our bodies were not designed for the modern, processed foods that clutter our grocery stores. Our minds are driving our bodies because of mass marketing. Whole30 has taught me to play with flavors and eat real food. The creativity I find in food is limitless. I will continue eating a Paleo lifestyle at the completion of 30 days but will allow myself to flex and enjoy non-Paleo foods from time to time and not feel guilty about it. I will however make mental notes that when these 'cheat' foods get out of hand, it might be time to jump back on the crazy train that is Whole30. It has been a love-hate relationship the past 30 days: I have loved what my body has done but I have hated how hard it has been because of life long affairs with the wrong foods. It is up to me to decide what I will fuel my life with. I choose real food.

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